Setting goals and rocking life!

This month let's talk about something super important: setting goals each month. I know, I know, life is already soooo busy with three kids, working 4 days a week and a business in the making. But trust me, taking a breather to reflect and set goals is like giving yourself a superpower boost.

So how do I do it? At the end of each month I schedule in my diary to review and reflect on last month’s goals and set the next months.  You can get my FREE goals worksheet on my resources page on my website.  I have 5 areas of focus which is a good number, any more than that you might find too many things not completed. My areas of focus are:

Personal Growth:

Alright, take a few minutes to think about you. Yep, YOU! Amidst all the chaos, it's easy to forget about your own growth and happiness. Take a sec to think about what makes you tick. Got any hobbies you've been dying to try? Want to sneak in some self-care time? By nurturing your own personal growth, you set a great example for your kids and keep your sanity intact.

Health & Wellbeing:

Now, let's chat about how you are feeling physically and mentally.  It's easy to put self-care on the back burner, but your health is seriously important. Think about your eating habits, exercise routine (or lack thereof), and stress levels. Maybe it's time to cut back on the wine, hit the yoga mat, or just chill with some deep breaths. Your body and mind will thank you, trust me.

Career Development:

Balancing work and managing the household isn’t easy, so make sure you ask for help. Let’s take a sec to think about where you want to go next in your career. Any new skills you want to learn? Or maybe you fancy a change? As a Wellbeing Manager I am always working towards my yearly objectives, as a Life Coach I have my vision and working towards it every day. Setting some career goals each month keeps you hustling' towards success.

Financial Management:

Money talk, anyone? Managing finances solo can be a headache, especially when you're juggling kids and a business. Or perhaps you don’t look at your bank statement and just hope for the best! (we have all been there). But being in control of your finances and creating a budget allows you to work out how to reach your financial goals. Whether it's saving up for a rainy day or investing in your business, taking control of your finances is key.  I use this FREE budget tool and check it quarterly against my bank statement.


Last but definitely not least, let's talk family. Your kids are your world, right? Take a sec to think about how things are going on the home front. Want to plan more fun outings? Have heart-to-hearts with your little ones? Setting some family goals keeps everyone connected and happy.  I make sure that I get at least 10 minutes one to one with each child a day, getting down on their level and doing an activity with no distractions.

 The Importance of Reflection and Goal Setting:

So, why bother with all this goal-setting stuff? Well, it's all about taking care of YOU. The days/weeks go by so quick, reflection gives you a chance to catch your breath and pat yourself on the back for all you've accomplished. And setting goals? That's like giving yourself a roadmap to success. Plus, it sets an awesome example for your kids – showing them that with a little grit and determination, anything is possible.

Alright, you've got this! Take some time each month to reflect, set those goals, and watch yourself slay at life. Remember, you're not just a parent – you're a superhero in disguise. Keep rocking it, one month at a time!


Parental Burnout - The Workshop