Break up to Break Through

Separation & divorce coaching is individual and my services are tailored to suit you and your personal requirements.   Unfortunately the divorce rate is increasing year on year which means more couples are going through this traumatic time which statistics show can take up to one year or more to transition through.   

As I have been through this myself and as a qualified life coach, with my signature programme I can help you get through this.

Week One - Understanding you

Understanding your personal situation and what you want and need is the first step. Are you sure you want to leave your marriage/relationship or are you struggling to move on now that you are separated?  Or are you having to co habit because neither one of you can afford to move out? 

Week Two - Managing conflict and finding resolution

The thought of having a difficult conversation with your spouse about childcare, money, living arrangements or whatever – can cause you anxiety, sleepless nights and conflict.  Working through these emotions to find a way where decisions can be made without resentment or anger.  Learn conflict resolution strategies to more effectively communicate with your co-parent.

Week Three - The grieving process

Going through a breakup is like going through a grieving process and you have to allow yourself time to get through it.  Here we look at the 5 stages of separation & divorce grief.  It may take 1-2 years to feel like you’re ready to move on but everyone processes their grief differently and at their own pace.

Week Four - Understanding your emotions

Each person will have a different journey and sometimes taking it day by day is one of the best coping mechanisms.  Working out ways to be kind to yourself, picking your support system and practicing good routines will help you.

Week Five - Co-parenting or single parenting

Being able to talk to each other respectively and to listen to each other’s concerns when it comes to the welfare of the children takes resilience, patience and time.  Here I will give you strategies on how best to communicate with your ex and co-parent to include email and text support and drafting.

Week Six - Happy mum, happy children

We want our kids to be happy and feel safe and secure in the home we create for them.  We want to connect with them, create memories & bring the fun but the stress of a separation & divorce makes this seem impossible.  It starts with you, finding your peace and acceptance.  Allowing yourself to be happy will give you happy kids.

Week Seven - Setting boundaries

Having good separation boundaries will prevent your spouse from having his (or her) cake and eating it, too.  Here we will work though what boundaries you want to set and how to put them in place.

Week Eight - Time for reflection

Let’s go back over the past few weeks and read your thought journal.  Its important to recognize wins and success but also the mistakes too as we learn from them.

Week Nine - Boost your confidence and self esteem

In this week we identify what your limiting beliefs are, how to develop self-awareness, and provide strategies and tools to boost self-esteem.  We all have it in us to be what or whoever we want to be, you just need the map to show you how to get there and I can help you work out your road map.

Week Ten - Supporting your children through change

Separation and divorce are hard! …but it’s even harder when you’re a kid! Your child’s world has literally been flipped upside down. Instead of being with the two most important people in their lives every day, they are forced to lose half their time with both parents over a decision they had no control over.  

Week Eleven - Create your own future, your freedom!

Now that you have gone through the process of divorce and are starting to rebuild your life, it’s important to take time for yourself. Rediscovering who you are as an individual is an important step in moving forward toward a bright future.

Week Twelve - Time to reflect

Now that we have completed the course, lets review the last 12 weeks and see if there is anything you would like to revisit or ask questions.  We will also read your thought journal.  It’s important to recognize wins and success but also the mistakes too as we learn from them.