Oh my god, we have nearly made it!

Can you believe it? We’ve made it! The summer holidays are almost over, and the kids are heading back to school next week.  I don’t know about you, but I’m doing a little happy dance and to reward myself I have booked a little trip just for me to Barcelona.


How Was It for You?

Six weeks of keeping the kids entertained, fed, and (mostly) happy. It’s full of playdates, day trips, endless snacks and constant negotiating and compromises!  It’s a different kind of busy—a whirlwind of constant activity, where your house never seems to stay tidy for more than five minutes, and you’re always either coming from somewhere or heading to the next event. And don’t get me started on the extra washing!


Why Do Summer Holidays Feel So Much Busier?

When they’re at school, there’s a rhythm, a routine that we can all count on. You know when you have your pockets of time—when you can squeeze in a quick workout, a cup of tea in peace, or even just a moment to sit and breathe. But during the summer holidays? All bets are off! The days blur together, and the lines between weekdays and weekends fade away. The routine that usually keeps us grounded is gone, replaced by the beautiful chaos of summer.

But as much as I love having the kids home and creating those special summer memories, I’m also ready to embrace the return of the school routine. It’s time for things to settle back into a manageable rhythm, and, dare I say it, it’s time to reclaim a little bit of “me time.”


Time to Reassess and Recharge

With the kids going back to school, now is the perfect time to reassess our wellbeing as parents. The summer has been all about them, but as the routine returns, let’s not forget to check in on ourselves too. How are you feeling? What’s been filling your cup, and what’s been draining it?

 If you’re like me, the summer has been a mix of joy and exhaustion. As we transition back to school days, it’s a great opportunity to set aside some time for yourself, to recharge and refocus. Whether it’s picking up a hobby you’ve put on hold, planning a coffee date with a friend, or just enjoying the silence that comes with an empty house—don’t forget to prioritize your wellbeing.


Join Me for a Parental Wellbeing Workshop

To help with this transition, I’m excited to announce that I’ll be running in-person workshops throughout September and October. These workshops are designed to help parents, just like you and me, reassess our wellbeing and find practical ways to bring more balance into our lives. Whether you’re looking to carve out more time for yourself, manage stress better, or simply connect with other mums who get it, these workshops are for you.


Check out the website for all the details, and let’s make this school year one where we thrive, not just survive!  We’ve done the hard work, and now it’s time to celebrate, breathe, and look forward to the next term. Here’s to reclaiming routine, to finding balance, and to remembering that our wellbeing matters too.


Let’s talk Mental Health & Parenting


Finding Balance in the Midst of Exhaustion as a Single Co-Parent of Three Young Children